Recipe for Bombs
Mash your favourite pesto (or try Auda’s recipe below) and Casheta, around 50% of each ratio.
Form into balls and chill till ready to drop into bowls of hot soup.
Recipe for Sicilian Minestrone
Diced veggies approx 2 cups. Potatoes, carrot, courgette.
3 cups of water
Fresh basil and sage
2 soup cubes
1-2 cans of cannellini beans
Cook all the above in a large pot till the potatoes are done.
Recipe for Auda’s Pesto
Toast 2 handfuls of cashew pieces
Place in a blender with a handful of chopped fresh basil and parsley.
Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Add enough extra virgin olive oil to allow the ingredients to blend in the blender, approx 100 ml. Add a 1/4 teaspoon black salt for that yum factor.
Blend till you tech the desired consistency and the ingredients are mixed thoroughly.